“Traveling is a brutality. It forces you to trust strangers and to lose sight of all that familiar comfort of home and friends. You are constantly off balance. Nothing is yours except the essential things – air, sleep, dreams, the sea, the sky – all things tending towards the eternal or what we imagine of it” – Cesare Pavese
Traveling TRIPSY: What to Know Before Traveling Alone
1. Download Offline Maps/Travel Apps

Source: google images
“What’s the exchange rate supposed to be?”
“How do I convince the border guard I’ve got an onward ticket?”
“Which subway station do I need?”
“Where I am?”
“How much longer do I have to walk?”
Perhaps some of you are losing data connections, and no Wi-Fi can be used then offline maps / travel apps can help when you try to find some urgent needs like the example above.
You migth also read How to Survive Short Travel
2. Let Your Fams or Friends Know about Your Plans

Source: google images
Tell the route you will go to your family and friends, it could be the information that is needed if one day something unexpected happens to you.
3. Dont Be a Target

Source: google images
Use the accessories you really need, just wearing a watch. Do not make others impolite just by your appearance.
4. Blending In

Source: google images
Blend with where you are, be a traveler who appreciates the state of where you are. not a tourist that appears conspicuous compared to others. It can make people around more respect and feel your existence as a stranger.
5. What to Do with Your Important Things

Source: google images
Put important items in a safe enough place, the deepest part of the backpack or if you want to put it in a separate bag, make sure the bag is always carry by you.
6. Where do you stay?

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Rest comfortably and with quality can recharge used energy while traveling, a resting place that provides good facilities and close to where you are located, can be your first choice to rest. Do not forget to adjust the budget that has been planned in advance for your lodging.
7. Dont Drink Too Much

Source: google images
8. Feel convidence

Source: google images
Traveling by yourself will make you an independent person and practice to be responsible to yourself. Traveling alone can test your strength and fear of the outside world. Therefore, feeling confident on the go is very important, so the plan you have set up from the beginning does not fail just because of a sudden doubt that arises in the self.
9. Pay for Safety

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Be your own best counsel; if it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it.
Exude confidence and walk purposefully.
Don’t draw attention to yourself by wearing flashy clothes or jewelry.
Lie a little. When asking directions, don’t let on that you are alone.
10. Have backup plans

Source: google images
You must be prepared with all possibilities, when your first plan fails because of unexpected things. Prepare some backup plans so you can still enjoy this trip.
11. Enjoy your ‘me time’ and don’t forget to smile!

Source: google images
Many people who do solo traveling because they want to find the true identity and understand yourself more deeply, take advantage of your free time to explore your courage. Do not forget to spread your positife vibes to every new place you meet, it will give you a sense of comfort in traveling.