The Great Benefits of Touch for Your Mental Health
In the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives, the ever-changing routines, the long tiring hours, we often forgot to take a step back, unwind, and just relax. Being too occupied w
7 Essential Oils for Your Relaxation and Self-Healing Journey
Have you ever wondered whether essential oils do have an effect on our well-being? Well, it might be of importance to note that, centuries ago, our resourceful ancestors developed
6 Eye Relaxation Ideas to Achieve Peace of Mind
In our screen-centric world, where digital devices consume so much of our time for work and leisure, it’s easy to underestimate the toll it takes on our precious eyes. Our ey
Buat Liburan Makin Seru! Inilah 10 Atraksi Legoland Malaysia yang Harus Kamu Coba
Berikut ini merupakan 7 atraksi yang harus kamu kunjungi saat liburan di Legoland Malaysia bersama keluarga kecilmu khususnya sang buah hati.
Food and Well-Being: Why They Affect Each Other
Why does it feel so sinful to take a bite of your favorite, sugar-glazed donut? Why does intermittent fasting feel so hard and painful, when others prove it to be the most effectiv
Music for the Soul: What Sound Healing Experience Does to Your Well-being
In the whirlwind of jam-packed routines, your mental health and focus can sometimes take a toll. The bustling noise of the city, the constant chatter in your mind filled with ove
Mengenal Komunitas Pendaki Gunung Indonesia, Buatmu yang Butuh Teman Naik Gunung
Tak perlu pusing lagi mencari teman untuk naik gunung. Bergabunglah dengan Komunitas Pendaki Gunung Indonesia dan dapatkan teman naik gunung di sini.
Untuk Para Pendaki, Ini 4 Cara Mengatur Napas Agar Tidak Ngos-Ngosan
Bagi para pendaki, menjaga kualitas pernapasan sangat penting untuk mendukung performa dan keberhasilan menaklukkan gunung. Salah satu masalah yang mungkin sering kamu alami adalah
10 Cara Memasak Sarden Kaleng Agar Tidak Amis
Sarden kaleng bisa jadi alternatif lauk yang mudah diolah. Santapan ini memang sudah matang dan siap disantap, tapi tambahan racikan bumbu sederhana akan membuat makan siangmu kian